Message from the Principal
Dear PGK Families:
I am BEYOND excited for the 2024-2025 school year. Last year was filled with opportunities to reflect and grow about how we can become the strongest community of compassionate scholars and we are ready to do it! We have done a lot of work seeking student feedback about making school a better place and the one resounding theme was SAFETY. Emotional and physical. Our building mission is as follows: the PGK community is committed to individual excellence through collective action, communication and celebration.
Individual excellence means that all Keithley community members are actively working to be their authentic and best selves
Collective action means that we work together to problem solve and support each other in our excellence
Communication means that all Keithley community members know how to communicate their needs is a safe and caring way
Celebration means that we look for all opportunities to cheer on growth – whether that’s socially, emotionally, or academically.
As a leader at Keithley, I am committed to making sure our students and families feel safe and proud to be Keithley Kolts! Some of the ways we are doing that is focusing on community building, having clear and communicated protocols around behavior expectations and processes for reporting concerns, as well as an emphasis on making classrooms safe spaces to learn and thrive. This will take time and collaboration on everyone’s part and we are ready to do that.
Here’s to individual excellence through collective action, communication, and celebration!
I am proud to be a Keithley Kolt!
Mrs. Castellano
Mrs. Rosita Castellano
Principal, Keithley Middle School
(253) 298-4300